Monday, May 30, 2011

And Life goes on

with physiology :)

1. 17 days to physiology exam. 


2. Picnic sambil ber'family' - Tulaka. Cool !

3. Excited tak nak balik? wait till 24th of june will ya? then i'll be the most excited person on earth.

4. He who creates the heart knows about it the most.

pps. Happy Birthday abah. Happy birthday reena. Kakak loves you both a lot! 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Go with the flow ?

Chris Brown : Hey Neyo, apa plan kau lepas ni?

Neyo : entahla der. just go with the flow.


Pink : Yo sistah! bila nak start study utk final exam?

Purple : leklu. aku just go with the flow. kalau ade mood, study lah.


biasa dengar?

Ding dong! listen up.


helpless fish.

So do something aynn!

ps. thank you for inspiring.

pps. our weaknesses make us humble. our weaknesses make us humble. our weaknesses make us humble.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reliever to my distress


And if Allah touches you with hurt, there is none who can remove it but He; and if He intends any good for you, there is none who can keep back His favour; He brings it to whom He pleases of His servants; And He is the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Surah Yunus; 10:107

And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near. I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way.

Surah Al-Baqarah: 186

and they are my strength.

mari jadi anak soleh/solehah !


PPS. the worse to come will be the best outcome.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Picnic with our mothers

Assalamualaikum :)

nasi goreng udang nanas tak tahu sape masak

cekodok ummi ! 

buah feveret tikah

boom boom pow

nampak tak seorang budak innocent kena buli disitu?
tikah discovered my weak spot. oh mannn, habessslaa

family portrait <3

with my fav girls :D

Kitorg start rapat kat Egypt. Tinggal sebulan je lagi akak2 nak grad :(

Sayang mereka fillah, lillah <3

ps. tidaklah Allah mempertemukan kita sia-sia kan? :)

pps. jzkk ummi farah, bonda sofi and ibu sakinah ^_^ semoga dapat menjadi doktor2 yang berjaya kehidupannya di dunia dan di akhirat. amin.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

British accent

Let's learn how to speak in british accent!

Since today was supposed to be alhijr's english day and we did not speak a word in english, we would like to do an 'atrabot' tomorrow.
*and allow me to use some russian words pls*

AND PLEASE DO ASSUME that i am totally speaking with british accent right now. LOL.

i've watched some videos on YOUTUBE, so there are some tips on how to speak just like HARRY POT-EH.
*actually some ppl would pronouce it as harry poTTer. (stressing on the T)

So here we go..

1. Like i just said, pronounce your T's. For the word DUTY, in America, they pronounce it as 'doody' but Londoners say 'duty' with a hard T.

american = i wanna go for a walk.

londoner= i wanT To go for a walk.

2. Letter U is pronounced as 'eeuwww'. Let's use the word DUTY as an example again. So we shall say 'dyuti' instead of 'doody'.

3. Speaking with British accent will leave behind your R. So, CAR becomes CAH (don't put so much stress on the H) and park becomes PAHK.

4. Letter O. okay this one is quite difficult to explain it in words, but i'll try! hmm, you know the sound O when you say 'ORANG' and the O sound when you say 'awesome'? they are diff right? British people pronouce O like you pronouce O in 'ORANG'.

american = there are a lot of books on the table.

londoner = there ah a LOT of books on the table.

*okay obviously you can't see the diff!* =.='' boo me.

But i think you are clear with that, don't you? :)

we did not learn much from Rowan Atkinson simply because he hardly had any scripts
 as Mr Bean. :)

whatever aynn =.='

So i guess that's all. Sometimes we should speak in english to improve our language and i seriously think that my english is rusting :/

ps. New vocab : chin-wag. Meaning - a light informal conversation for social occasions aka CHAT !

pps. chin wag with you later ! = chat with you later ! :D

Assalamualaikum :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


rindurindurindu choir.

these are my juniors! oh man, they are not bad at all.  :D 

Dirgahayu Tanah Airku and Stupid Cupid :)

TCS choir merupakan salah satu sbb kenapa sy xnak masuk mrsm, selain drpd mengadangadataknakdudukjauh punya perangai dan kawankawan yang awesome.

kalau nak cerita macam mana boleh masuk mrsm langkawi mmg panjang. 
*sapa suruh apply?*
siap kene kaunseling ngan cikgu T_T
siap prepare text nak pertahankan hujah2 utk stay in TCS *gedikgila*
Finally, ibu said one sentence yang telah mencairkan hati yang keras time tu and left me with no other choice.

first time kot ibu ckp macam tu.

T_T siapaaaaaaaaaa tak sayang ibuuuuu.

alhamdulillah aturan Allah itu mmg cantik. He's the best planner. and now here i am blogging with the feeling of lega-baru-habis-colloq-biochem. ^_^ 

Malam nie nak tgk movie. jadi petang kena study.


ps. sang pencerah or meat grinder?

pps. usaha tidak menatijahkan keputusan.

"Tetapi kamu tidak mampu (menempuh jalan itu) kecuali bila dikehendaki Allah" 
(Surah al-Insan : 30)

ppps. Menuntut ilmu adalah takwa. Menyampaikan ilmu adalah ibadah. Mengulang-ulang ilmu adalah zikir. Mencari ilmu adalah jihad. -Al-Ghazali.

Assalammualaikum :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Soul sister

Gelas, jika tidak diisi dengan air,
maka akan terisi dengan udara dan habuk.

Hati manusia jika tidak diisi dengan kecintaan kepada Allah maka akan diisi dengan kecintaan yang lain-lain.

by someone yang setiap tutur katanya, setiap penulisannya, inspire saya. 

Macam mana kalau bukan DIA yang menjadi tempat mengadu kita tapi 'dia'? 

"Tidak ada suatu pun yang lebih cemburu daripada Allah"
 (Hadith Bukhari dan Muslim)

Moga hati-hati kita sensitive dengan dosa. Moga hati-hati kita tidak terusik dengan mudah (pesanan utk diri sendiri) *not anymore at least*

ps. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOUL SISTER! i seriously love you Amirah Rosman <3 thank you for being there for me,always. ur'e finally 19! eh, kakak nabila belum 20 lg :D May Allah bless you! xoxo

she got style isn't she? :)

pps. tadi tgk teater ngan curator. comel dan baik sungguh beliau.

ppps. selamat hari guru buat semua guru2 tercinta! 

Assalamualaikum :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

What are words?

What are words 
If you really don't mean them when you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, they never go away
They live on even when we're gone

Chris Medina


1. ada lagi tak orang macam Chris Medina? saya cop satu.

"What are words if you really don't mean them when you say them?"

Jangan cakap if we don't mean it. it hurts you know, like seriously. 
*okayy emo pulak* -.-''

taklah taklah. sebenarnya nak cakap kita akan dipertanggungjawabkan atas apa yang dipertuturkan. Jadi jangan cakap tak serupa bikin.

2. Alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan collog microb tadi. dapat soalan dysbios and sterilization (physical agents).*za chemmmmmm tulis kat blog?* 

Next is Biochem colloq !
Kenapa semalam kena study, mengantuk tapi malam nie (esok takde kelas) tak ngantuk? 

3. Tadi time usrah baru tahu, yang sabar nie ada 3 jenis :
     a) sabar menjalankan perintah Allah
     b) sabar menjauhi larangan Allah
     c) sabar menghadapi ujian

Jadi kawan-kawan rasa sabar yang mana satu merupakan tahap yang paling tinggi?
Td saya teka C. Tapi actually the answer is A.


Sebab ingat senang ke nak jalankan perintah Allah kalau tak sabar?

kalau tak sabar time solat? mesti baca al-fatihah pun kelam kabut.

kalau tak sabar time ambil wuduk? mesti buat cincai2 je kan?

kalau tak sabar nak amar makruf nahi mungkar? mesti kita g belasah je org yang tak dgr ckp tu.

kalau tak sabar dalam menuntut ilmu? xde keje stay up baca microb semalam. *ecece*

4. seronok kacau areena time usrah.

areena : Kak aida tgk kak aynn kacau !

me : akak xde adek ppuan :(

areena : sbb tu la akak xde adek ppuan, kalau tak mesti dia kena buli!

me : -.-'' aiyooo

*kalau ada adek ppuan mesti dia gedik gila. LOL

5. Hari tu tgk DALAM MIHRAB CINTA. KCB is still my fav ! :) *rindu egypt*

ps. Allah sentiasa bersama dengan orang-orang yang sabar ;) Isn't this motivating enough?

Assalamualaikum :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Smile is infectious

Lusa colloq MICROB yang tak jadi hari tu. 

errrkkk, senyum sikit boleh?

All the best classmates !

Sorong papan tarik papan,
Papan dibeli di kedai Pak Hairi,
Terlalu banyak ingin diluahkan,
Namun mungkin dilain hari?

ps. "the flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all," -The Emperor, Mulan.

Assalamualaikum :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

No more holidays

Assalamualaikum :)

1. Kirovsky Day was a success, alhamdulillah ramai yang datang :D Great boss and great teammates i have. oh, saya jumpa budak comel yang nakal-and-tak-duduk-diam. comel sgt. rasa nak picit2 muka dia.

2. Selamat Hari Ibu (belated) utk superwoman saya. Semoga hari-harimu dirahmati Allah. <3 xoxo

Pau yang tak berapa nak jadi.  
semoga ibu dapat cucu yang comel mcm budak nie. hehe :p

3. Picnic za volga sgt WOW dan best. cantik sgt2 tempat tu. sgt windy smpaikan topi terbang dan hanyut dalam sungai -.-'' we had fun after all. buat activity kat sini every year pls? :)

4. Den Pabedi tak best sgt lah tahun nie. cuaca x brapa nak ok. BUT BUT, i watched some performances tadi. dan dalam byk2 saya suka satu je. siap record and tengok balik 10 kali. i tried to upload it here tapi tak boleh lah. The performance was like motif-less, a few girls were doing catwalk,kinda. Part yang kelakar ialah diorang pasang lagu britney, OOPS I DID IT AGAIN. tapi bukan britney yang nyanyi. Tak tahu mamat mana yang nyanyi in a weird sengau way, really !

dapat tgk dari belakang pun jadilah.

ps. let's get back on track.

pss. less than 3 months to go ! baliklacepatbaliklacepat.

psss. 94 : 5 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cos she is a hypocrite

Have you ever felt like being a hypocrite?

Based on wikipedia, hypocrisy is the state of pretending to have beliefsopinionsvirtuesfeelingsqualities, or standards that one does not actually have. Hypocrisy involves the deception of others and is thus a kind of lie.

For me, sometimes i feel it too.


For example, if  he or she wrote 'SAYA NAK MAKAN AISKRIM' in her or his blog. how would you know what kind of intonation she's or he's using. is he EXCITED? CRYING? SCREAMING? or he (she) said it in a lemah lembut way?

So some readers would say, "eleh bajet baik gila minah tu. dalam blog bukan main lagi nasihat2 orang. kat luar dia tak macam tu pun. ketawa bukan main lagi." (haha)?

In my opinion la, (i repeat, my opinion ok, not urs) what is totally wrong with that?

Let's say, in real life, he might curse like every single second on every single thing, but in his blog he wrote something about Islam, he gives advices, or he's doing amar maaruf nahi mungkar, can you say that he is a hypocrite ?

at least he did not CURSE in his blog also kan? dah kurang satu dosa. and who knows, thru his writings maybe 1 person out of 100000 will actually think again abt what he wrote and apply it in his daily life. kan tambah pahala?

kalau kat luar tu dia dah terbiasa cursecurse tu kita doakan lah one day he will change ok?
maybe he tried ! kita je tak tahu.

okayyy. sebenarnya taktahu nak tulis apa. something, someone is bothering my mind. :/

ps. planning something for mother's day. hopefully Allah izinkan :)

pss. excursion to mamaev kurgan at 11 am sgt la mencabar. panas wo.

psss. colloq microb postponed. T_T

pssss. cuti 3 hari nak buat ape? g masjid, bbq, rehlah, den pabedi.

psssss. KIROVSKY DAY II. semoga Allah buka hati muslim muslimat volgograd untuk dtg..

pssssss. FRIDAY is alhijr's english day !

ekskursia nie sgt fun sebenarnya. One thing i can observe, Russians are very patriotic.

spasiba balshoe Alla Nikolaevna :D <3

Assalamualaikum :)

Monday, May 2, 2011


Pergi tea party, picnic, fun fair, sauna, jalan-jalan, tangkap gambar..

TAPI kenapa still rasa LOST?

ohh, i think i know why :/

ps. kadang-kadang kita lupa yang 'ketenangan' itu juga merupakan salah satu nikmat terbesar yang Allah kurniakan kepada kita kan?

pss. tak start baca for microb lg, mmg la tak tenang.